Skills Centre

Registrations for Term 3 OPEN NOW

  1. Click the image OR Login / Register at the top of the page.
  2. Select Skill Centre / Term Programme Registration
  3. Enter the player details first. When entering the date of birth make sure to click on each of the pop-up calendars to confirm it.
  4. Where it says "Choose Teams" select "Term 3 2024"
  5. Click the blue drop-down box labelled "Team" select from the age group options 
  6. Click add another player if you have another child (of any age) to register then select "Proceed to Parents / Guardians"

Our Skills Centre for 5 to 13+ year olds returns in Term 3 2024 run by the familiar faces of our PCFC Community Coaches and overseen by Tahiri, OFC Licensed Coach. This Skills Centre is open to girls and boys.

The PCFC Skills Centre will run on Wednesday nights at Papakura High School 

Term 3  Wednesday 24th July  - Wed 25th September (10 week programme)

Time:             5 - 8 year olds    5pm - 6pm

                      9 - 13 year olds  6pm - 7pm

                      13+                    6pm - 7pm

Cost - $100 (10 week programme)

Players must wear shinpads under long socks and sneakers / sandshoes (when on turf)

Please arrive prior to the session time with gear on ready to start.