Girls & Womens FOOTBALL / FUTSAL

Interested in playing football in a girls only team or a women's team?

We have all-girls teams in the Juniors & Youth competitions as well as a competitive Women's team with a view to add a 2nd more social team in 2025.

In Term 4 we will be adding a Social Women's League (Diamond's League) on Friday nights. Short, fun games for all abilities, more information ---->HERE!

For more information about girls teams see the links below:

- Junior Girls (turning 9 - 12 years old in 2025) --> LINK

- Youth Girls (turning 13 - 18 years old in 2025) ---> LINK

- Women's Football (16 and up) ---> LINK

- Women's Social Football (16 and up) ---> LINK

In 2019 some of our girls were featured in a Hera - Everyday Goddess campaign....check it out on Facebook

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