Logo Review and Refresh

9 Mar

Papakura City Football Club will be undergoing a review and refresh of the club's logo.

We need a logo which represents the past, present and future of a modern Papakura City Football Club. At the heart of the process will be the opinions and thoughts of the Papakura City FC membership base. 

We have put together a working group to go through the process of reviewing the current logo and the views of our PCFC members followed by a redesign process dependant on the results of the survey.

To start the process a club-wide survey will be undertaken to gather opinions and thoughts of what Papakura City FC represents.

Link to Survey -> https://bit.ly/3KxxOPP     Survey closes 31st March 2022

The Process


March will be used to gather as much information as possible, mainly through the club-wide survey above. If you would like to provide more information or thoughts, please do so by emailing admin@papakuracityfc.org.nz. 


In April Logo design concepts will be created along with appropriate community groups and Maori consultation.


In May feedback on the logo concepts will be gathered from another club-wide survey, along with rankings of the concepts. The top 3 concepts will then be fully adapted and developed out. A presentation night will be held for all club members, to gain an understanding of the logo and what all three will look like as the Papakura City FC Logo. 

In late May, the Logo will be voted on by the Papakura City FC Board and Life Members. This decision will be supported by data gathered on the opinions of all club members. 


June will see the launch of the logo and the start of the rebranding of the club. 

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