Girl's Futsal Skills Centre

5 Apr

Keen to follow the footsteps of our Papakura City FC Super League Champions? Join our Futsal Skills Centre for Girls aged 5 - 8 years old & 9 - 14 years old.

Starting Monday 24th April at Bruce Pulman Arena, Takanini


  1. Click the image OR Login / Register at the top of the page.
  2. Select Junior / Youth Registration
  3. Enter the player details first. When entering the date of birth make sure to click on each of the pop-up calendars to confirm it.
  4. Where it says "Choose Teams" select "Futsal 2023"
  5. Click the blue drop-down box labelled "Team" select from the age group options 
  6. Click add another player if you have another child (of any age) to register then select "Proceed to Parents / Guardians"

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